Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three SEO Magic Bullets and How to Use Them

There are the three things the top experts rely on to snag the top spots on Google, Yahoo and MSN; Stats, Spying and Shortcuts. Simply put, stats show you where to spend more time than money, spying shows you how to beat your competition and shortcuts show you how to do it as quickly as possible.

Search Engine Stats: Up to date Statistics show you who is searching where and what they are clicking on. This will help you make the best possible decisions on how to spend your SEO time and where to spend your SEM money (search engine marketing, including pay per click advertising.)

A.) The following search usage information is based on the Nielson/Net Ratings of May 2008.:

59.3% - Google | 16.9% - Yahoo | 13.3% - MSN | 4.1% - AOL

That is almost 94% of all searches going through just four search engines and well over half going through Google alone!

B.) Knowing exactly how much each search engine is used is the first big step. Now we know where to focus our time and effort. But that's only half the story. We need some reliable inside information to help us plan for search engine optimization and search engine marketing strategies. So we turn to a leader - the UK based company They confirm that users of Google versus those of MSN are almost exact opposites when it comes to clicking on natural versus pay per click search listings. Here is what their extensive research has revealed:

On Google, 72.3% of visitors rely on the natural listings that SEO helps you get. Only 27.7% use the paid links you purchase as part of your SEM plan.

On MSN, the opposite is true. Only 28.8% of their visitors go for the organic listings you get from SEO. But a whopping 71.2% can't wait to click on those paid links.

This information alone can be worth its weight in gold. It helps us understand why we get so few clicks for paid listings on Google and it is more evident that SEO efforts are well spent here.

The Art of SEO Spying: If you want to beat your competition you really need to know what they are up to. Otherwise you are just guessing and that gets expensive. So forget about guessing your way through or spending tons of time and money on research. You can get most for free and the rest for just a few well placed dollars. Just head on over to and check out the free information they provide. Or, if you want the bigger picture go to to see everything they provide, free and paid.

SEO Shortcuts; Top Industry Tools: The shortcuts we will explore are based on discovering how the experts get their top results so quickly and then following in their footsteps. When it comes to SEO, the best shortcut to success is through the use of SEO software tools.

Source referred from SEO News Newsletter. Great if this article can help you to improve your websites' SEO.

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