Saturday, August 23, 2008

Success of the newsletter publishers

Newsletter publishing is one of the hot methods to promote your website, products and news. How to be considered as the success way to make your newsletter great and content rich. This is one of my research from various articles.

1. What Newsletter Publishers Require from Their Writers

It may be true that a few article directory managers do not review articles before publication, it is not true of all article directories. Directories have editors who personally review each and every article posted to their directories, to ensure that the articles meet the directory's editorial guidelines.

And, newsletter publishers personally read and approve every single article they publish. In order for a publisher to be able to sell high-dollar advertising, the newsletter must attract and retain loyal readers. In order to get and keep readers, the newsletter must absolutely publish content that its readers appreciate receiving and want to read.

Herein lies "the secret to success" in article marketing. Not only do newsletter publishers read articles, seeking to find the content that will ensure the loyalty of their readers, the website publishers who have served loyal audiences for several years also strive to provide their readers only the best content available.

2. Article Spinner Software Stops Short Of Serving The Reader
No matter how well the Content Spinner software sellers may write their sales copy, one would be a fool to trust computers to write the kind of articles that people want to read.

Remember, the newsletter publisher and the successful webmasters are solely focused on finding content that will keep their readers loyal to them. Also remember that the "link building game for link popularity" is a long-term play that could take years to see fruition.

3. What the Article Marketing Professionals Have To Say
One should take into account what someone is selling, before taking his or her word at face value. It is absolutely in your best interests to take my words with much skepticism. Willie Crawford (TIMIC.ORG) is not an article-marketing professional. Instead, he is a professional marketer, who uses article marketing to promote the many websites that make up his online empire. Willie is a seven-figure earner, and yet, he continues writing new articles whenever he has the time to do so.

Willie said: "I've looked at numerous 'article spinners' and seen that the output from them was generally so incoherent that it would have been an insult to my readers."

"I respect my readers and realize that writing is communicating one human to another. That's why all of the articles that I publish are unique and not software generated variations of my work."

*Updated 23Aug2008 - Add another key point from research.
Communicating One Human To Another
Those people who have found the greatest success utilizing article marketing as a promotional tool are those who understand that article marketing is best-used as a tool to communicate "one human to another."

At the beginning of this article, I suggested, "Success and failure is determined by the writers' motivation, and more importantly, by the writers' commitment to the reader."

Successful newsletter publishers are those who have made a commitment to keep their readers interested and reading every issue. Successful webmasters and bloggers are those who have made a commitment to keeping their readers satisfied and coming back to their websites frequently. All are looking for article content that will attract readers to their publications and ensure reader loyalty.

The successful article marketer is the person who understands his or her audience and gives his or her audience exactly what they want.

The article must convince the newsletter publisher that his or her subscribers will value the message in the article enough to read the next issue. The article must convince the Webmaster and Bloggers that the article will keep a reader on his or her website for a while longer. And finally, the reader must be thankful for having been given the opportunity to read the article.

In the end, the decision is yours. Are you simply happy complaining about what could have, should have been with the articles you have written. Or, do you want to invest what will be required to make sure your article marketing campaigns are successful?

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