Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Correct keywords, key of search engine traffic

Recently, read on a newsletter and it was really meaningful, so I post it here for future reference and for public knowledge.

1. If content is king, make your keywords your servants! It's pretty
simple; good keywords bring lots of traffic, bad ones don't.

2. If you want that free search engine traffic, the first thing you need to
do is to find out what exactly it is that people are searching for in the area
that you are interested in. Then you pick keywords that relate to your topic of
interest, and that people are really searching for.

3. You can have the best content in the world, but if you optimize for the
wrong keywords you still won't get that sought after traffic. For example, let's
assume I am going to build a site about water heaters, and I want people to come
to my site. I need to find out what kind of information about water heaters that
people are looking for so I can build pages optimized for the keywords that
people are really using.

Hope that this article is the knowledge base for anyone desire of search engine traffic. This source from Entireweb Newsletter, if you like to read the latest news from entireweb newsletter, feel free to subscribe it.

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