Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is Wrong With E-Commerce Websites? (3)

Human Motivational Optimization for E-commerce
Let us say you have an online business that sells clothing. The best way to display clothing is on a model who twists and turns so the audience can see the item from all sides, as well as how it hangs or drapes on a real person. A garment displayed flat looks like a rag, and just does not do the product justice.

Even quality still photography does not show how a garment looks when someone moves; and high quality fashion photography is more expensive than short fifteen to twenty second Web videos.

You can also add some professional voice-over narration that explains all the fabric details, design features and options available. A Web video fashion catalog is the most effective way to sell clothes online.

Perhaps you sell cosmetics. Another product ideally suited for Web video. Teaching visitors what products look best together based on particular facial features and coloring as well as different makeup styles for work, play, and evening are ideal opportunities to up-sell and build confidence in you and your products. Customer education is one of the best Web marketing tactics you can employ in order to distinguish yourself from the competition.

Clothing and cosmetics are both high profile products, but let us say you sell something that is not quite so sexy, something like sandpaper. Sandpaper is boring but, if you need an abrasive product, you better pick the right one or you will make a mess of whatever you are trying to build.

Teaching customers what products to use turns one-time buyers into long-term customers. When customers buy the wrong thing, they invariably blame the supplier, while suppliers that provide valuable purchase advice create a significant barrier to competition.

Returns on electronics and computer equipment are too costly, and that goes double for online businesses where shipping is a factor. And that does not take into account customer that will created by the aggravation and frustration of being sold the wrong thing. Rather than being an expense, a professionally produced Web-video e-commerce catalog is actually a tactic that saves time and money, both in the sales process, and customer relations.

Web video engages audience attention; informs viewers of product advantages, details and options; and explains who should purchase, as well as who should not. It educates people on how to get the most out of what you sell, and it does it in the most compelling and memorable manner. It establishes a trust-based relationship with clients and that is something competitors cannot overcome with high pressure, price-slashing tactics.

The Geeks are Killing Your Business
Today we have a generation of entrepreneurs trained in highly specialized technical areas like search engine optimization, database development, statistical analysis, and Web-based programming. All of these disciplines view business, even marketing, advertising and public relations as if they are somehow quantifiable, scientific disciplines that can be measured and managed without consideration of that messy notion called human nature.

The biggest problem in business is dealing with people, and just because your business is Web-based, does not mean people no longer count.

We know 'if you build it, they will come' is not a viable marketing strategy, and the idea 'if they find you, they will buy' is just as wrong. Start thinking in terms of Human Motivational Optimization: start designing websites for people, not search engines.

Source From SitePro News

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is Wrong With E-Commerce Websites? (2)

The Human Touch Creates Confidence and Sales
Websites are a very efficient method of lead generation and potential sales as long as you engage your audience with a presentation delivered by a real person who explains as much as possible about the things you sell, and how you sell them. And that includes things like delivery, which is one of the major complaints and points-of-contention that online customers have. Nobody likes surprises, especially when they cost time and money.

Web sales success has little to do with features, benefits, or technical advancements, in fact a barrage of features and specifications is just as likely to confuse visitors, and paralyze their purchase decision. The one tactic that overcomes this problem, that inspires confidence in your advice, trust in your ability to deliver, and convinces people to purchase, is information presented by a real human being.

You Can not Always Handle Things Personally
Understanding you cannot always be available, the next best thing is Web video. A video provides a complete, consistent, error-free, professional presentation of the information you want customers to receive. Hiring, training, and managing staff is expensive, and their handling of customers is often unreliable, resulting in a negative impression of your company.

Lest We Forget Tricky Dick
Anybody who studies audience behavior is familiar with the classic case of the 1960 Presidential debate between Nixon and Kennedy. Most people who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won, while the people who watched on television thought Kennedy won. This was a seminal example of how auditory and visual performance influences content, impression and response.

This lesson has been well learned by politicians but has somehow escaped the attention of business leaders and Web entrepreneurs.

Human Motivational Optimization
Web entrepreneurs' obsession with search optimization, and their fascination with technical solutions to human problems, has created an e-commerce environment that is decidedly remote and unfriendly. Sales are a motivational exercise in people-problem solving: people buy things that fulfill physical, emotional, and psychological needs. The answer is to adopt a Human Motivational Optimization approach to the presentation of your website material.

What is Human Motivational Optimization? It is a mindset used for designing Web experiences for human beings, not just search engine spiders.

To be continued..

Monday, December 29, 2008

What is Wrong With E-Commerce Websites?

It appears that online entrepreneurs spend so much time worrying about website traffic that they ignore the customers who actually want to buy something.

Recently, I tried to order a product we spotted at a trade show. It was perfect for our application so we did a Google search to find the manufacturer and a list of dealers who sold the item.

Almost all the websites that distributed the product had proper contact information and invited people to call, which we did. After six frustrating phone calls to dealers we still had not found anyone willing to answer the telephone. Since we had to leave a message almost everywhere we called, we decided to try California even though we are located in the east, and it was far too early for any reasonable person to be at work.
We finally got in touch with a friendly salesperson in Boston, who was very helpful but unfortunately the company was out of stock. Despite not being able to fill the order, we kept their information on file because they were friendly, accommodating, and dealt with all our questions. They tried their best to meet our needs but if we would have ordered using their online system and found out later that the product was back-ordered we would have been very upset since we had a deadline to meet.

Next we reached the manufacturer who told us he was too busy to check if he had any stock, and maybe he could get back to us by four o'clock. Just as we were ready to give up, the phone rang; it was the owner of the California dealer, who had the product in stock, took the order, and shipped it out the same day.

Businesses, especially website businesses cannot run on autopilot; customers are people and they expect to be treated like human beings. Now it is not always possible to answer every phone call the minute someone calls, or to have every product in stock when people need it, but the more human interaction you can build into your website the better your sales will be. To paraphrase that old saying about horses, "you can lead search traffic to your website, but you ca not make them order."

Why Should Anybody Buy From You?
Ask yourself this simple question: why should anybody buy anything from you? You probably are not the only company that sells your product or service, and even if you are, there are most likely substitutes available from competitors.

When potential customers find you on Google they are also finding all your competitors. So unless you sell a totally unique, non-fungible (non substitutable) product, service or brand that is also the lowest priced on the market, then you best give people some compelling reason to buy from you.

The product we were looking for was available from a dozen different website businesses, spread all over the United States and they all sold the same product at the same price. In the final analysis we purchased from the supplier that was the furthest distance away in a time zone three hours earlier than us; but we purchased from that supplier because we were able to talk to a someone who answered all our questions in a friendly, intelligent, and engaging manner.

It is what used to be called customer service before businesses were turned over to database programmers, number crunchers, and search savants who think of human interaction as something to be avoided.

To be continued..

Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to Write Articles for Improved Search Engine Rank (2)

This has three times the demand and over a fifth of the supply of the alternative with 'YOUR' in the keyword. That is the difference that one simple word can make to the success or failure of a keyword or key phrase.

In practice it will make little difference, unless the prospect uses the exact phrase, in which case 'how to cure a golf slice' is the more likely of the two terms for somebody to use. Were the term 'cure my golf slice' used, both would have the same number of results.

You then write the article, making it as interesting and as useful to the reader as possible, and try to persuade them that they have to find out more by visiting your website. However, the purpose of this article is not to show you how to write articles, but how to use them. You do that using your Resource Box. This is a section that some directories provide in which you have to persuade the reader to visit your site. The directory will not describe it as such, but that is basically what it is. In fact not all directories provide a separate data box for this, so you have to add it to the end of your article, but either way you design it the same way.

Keep in mind that the resource box should not be used as a bio. Even though the directory might ask you to provide info about yourself, you should use it to promote your website. Here are some ideas for your resource box.
1. Provide more information and a free gift "For more information on this topic and a free gift check out Pete's website at".
2. The Second Part Offer "You will find Part 2 of this article at, in which you will learn how to put this information to practical use."
3. The Final Offer "If this article interests you, you will find a limited period free offer on, which will help you to cure your golf slice."
These are various uses to which you can put the resource box, and they are all effective in getting the important clicks. However the format that works best for me is something along the lines of: "For more information check out where I will show you how to make every article rock with cash generating pizzaz that makes you more in a month than your website does in a whole year."

That is how to use your articles and your resource to make money. Some people do not want the resource to look like an advert. Advertising is your life is blood and your resource is the only place in your article where you really can advertise.

Source From SitePro News

Friday, December 26, 2008

How to Write Articles for Improved Search Engine Rank

If you are looking for improved search engine rank for any page on your website, you have to learn how to write articles in order to make use of one of the major and most useful resources online: article directories.

Just as website directories can be used to promote your website online, article directories can be used to publish your articles. These articles can in turn be used to promote a specific page on your website, and in this respect are more useful than a website directory listing that promotes only your home page.

You have few opportunities to direct search engine spiders directly to a page of your choice, and when one arises it should be made good use of. In fact, other than article directories and links on your website, you are unlikely to find such an opportunity, and it should be seized whenever it arises. However, very few people actually know how to make best use of such an opportunity and to use their articles intelligently to drive masses of traffic to their site.

You can use your Author's Resource to achieve that, but in order to get the resource read; you have to get the article read. For that to happen, you have to write a good article and then make people read it. To do that your title must be good enough to persuade people to read it. To achieve that you must be able to write a good title. That is the purpose of this article: to teach you how to craft a title that will get you article read, and then to craft a resource that will compel the reader to visit your website - or the web page that you want them to see.

So, first the title: Before you can craft your title you will need a good topic or subject to write about. There are several ways to decide what that should be, but that is another article. Let us assume that you have decided to write about how to cure a slice in golf. The obvious title would be: "How to Cure Your Golf Slice".

How many web pages are there online with that title? A few thousand? A few hundred thousand? In fact if you use the term as a Google search you will find it is 387,000. You have 387,000 other websites competing for these keywords. Now, let us change it to "How to Cure a Golf Slice". You get 71,500 competing sites. Just one small word change: 'your' to 'a' reduces the competition by almost 82%.

What that means is that with fewer competing sites you have a lot better chance of having your website listed close to the top of the listings for the keyword. However, you also have to take the demand into consideration: if nobody is using these keywords in their search you will not benefit by using them. Using Word tracker I get three times as many people, searching for 'cure A golf slice' than 'cure YOUR golf slice'. So based upon keyword research the title will be: How to Cure A Golf Slice

To be continued..

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Overview with a New York Web Design Company (2)

Secondly, keep in mind that search engines will also be looking at your site. Making it pretty is not enough. It needs to attract the search engine as much as live visitors if you ever expect those live visitors to find it in the first place. This is known as search engine optimization, or SEO. It is more complicated today than in years past but still quite doable. Here are three "must do" tasks for you to complete if you want your site on top of Google.

1.) Use keywords as anchor text (the visible clickable words) in your links throughout your page's content. For example:

Navigate to Google and conduct a search for the term Click Here. Take note of two things right away. Number one; there are more than 1.6 billion other (competing) Web pages. Number two, the top match returned is a link to Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The term Click Here is not anywhere on the page text or META tags. The page is number one, out of 1.6 Billion pages, because thousands of web pages supplying a link to Acrobat Click Here as their anchor text of choice. Amazing, is not it?
This is great news for you. You can easily take advantage of that power by linking to and from pages within your Website. This leads us nicely into Tip number two.

2.) If you deem that SEO is a priority for your site, create a unique page for each of your main keywords. Just be sure to link the anchor text from each page to the page that has that specific keyword as its focus.

Industry Advice: If you are a blog specialist or Web designer by trade, offering SEO as part of your services is a natural fit that can double the value of your work, or more. With so many good SEO products available to help you get professional results with minimal effort, you can usually rely on reputation as a good indicator of potential success. For example, eBay, Motorola and Lexmark all stake their online success on a tool you can get for $250 at

3.) Relevant anchor text should also be at the top of your mind when you are requesting inbound links from other sites. This is what Google uses as its strongest measurement to gauge the quality of your pages.

This is how you can build your brand using your words. Getting visitors there is only half the battle, keeping them is a whole different ballgame.

Now, similar to tip number 2, you want to request specific keywords be used in the anchor text leading to your pages from other sites. And be sure to request each link to the most appropriate page. Just linking to the homepage does not cut it anymore.

If you are in need of quality links but do not have time to setup link partnerships yourself, you may want to try a service that facilitates "3 way linking" like the one at 3WayLinker.

It is very simple and really pretty ingenious. Here is how it works. Site 1 links to Site 2. Site 2" links to Site 3. And Site 3 links to Site 1 forming an indirect chain of one way links.

That is all for now. Good luck!

Source From SitePro News

Monday, December 22, 2008

Overview with a New York Web Design Company

What makes a New York Web design company any different from other Web design companies? That is easy – “Competition”. Just look at how many design firms there are out there and you will see. In the city or outside, someone seeking high quality Web design in New York faces hundreds of choices in an area of just a few city blocks. Now that is competition!
web CEO for the number one position in Google!

If you are not from the area it can be difficult to envision. This might help. Imagine typing "New York web design" into Google's search box and getting hundreds of pages with thousands of links of returns. Instead of clicking on those links however, you are walking into hundreds of offices; each offering their own unique flavor of Web design.

But, with the competition comes a competitive edge that is critical in a struggling economy. Of course we all want to look good on the Internet, but when you are competing with your real live neighbors in addition to those online; you have to step it up a notch.

With that said, I provide some inside advice from a successful New York Web design firm. Let us focus our attention on Website usability. This has the unfortunate distinction of being both the most important yet generally least considered aspect of design all too often and the Website owners suffer for the oversights.

First off, most people do not really read a Web page at first glance; they scan it to see if there is something worth actually reading. You need to get their attention right away and keep it. Here is how.

1.) Jump in with your most powerful content right off the bat. Grab their attention immediately and keep it. Do not save the best for last unless you have something nearly as good to lead the reader there.

2.) Make sure your functional areas are consistent, as much as possible, throughout your site. This is especially true of the navigation links (top, left, right, etc.) search fields, logins, and anything else needing user interaction. The more at ease your visitor feels working through the site, the more likely he or she is to stay for a while and go even deeper.

3.) Embed a link to your homepage within your company logo. This is expected by just about every site visitor who has been on the Web for any length of time. It is a safety net many users rely and to deny it could result in major inconvenience to your visitors.

4.) Add a search box in an easy to find, consistent location. And be certain it searches ONLY within your Website. Having a search feature that offers to "Search The Web" gives your visitors an invitation to leave your site.

To be continued..

Friday, December 19, 2008

Keep The Sale - Does this sound familiar? (2)

3. Send them additional information of value. This includes articles, magazine and newspaper clippings, or other information that is relevant to their business. You could send them an article that mentions a strategic move one of their competitors is about to make or an article on a topic that relates to your key contact's interests. You may come across a newspaper article about their company-clip this article and send it your client. It does not matter if they have already read the article because your gesture shows that you are paying attention to their business. And most sales people do not do this. Do NOT send information about your product. This is not about you. It is about giving your new customer a reason to keep the sale with you.

4. Depending on the size of the sale, you could send a book that will help them with their business. There are a multitude of books on the market today, addressing virtually every business situation. If your client enjoys reading then it makes good business sense to send them a book that will help improve their results. I have sent books to my clients that focus on communication, leadership, sales, and customer service. Attach a brief note explaining why you sent this book.

5. Lastly, reinforce their buying decision. The easiest way to do this is to send them testimonials from satisfied customers. An even more effective approach is to ask one of your existing clients to call your new customer. People want reassurances that they have made a sound buying decision so just imagine the impact if they heard a voice mail message from one of your clients stating how satisfied they were with your product, service or solution.

These may sound like simple concepts. However, very few sales people actually use them. Integrating these strategies into your routine will not only help you differentiate yourself from your competition, you will increase your odds of keeping every sale you make.

Source From Entireweb Newsletter

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keep The Sale - Does this sound familiar?

After dozens of phones calls and emails as well as several face-to-face meetings, you finally reach an agreement with a prospect who is intent on buying your service, product or solution.

"Whew! Another sale done," you think to yourself.
But, wait. Before you start counting your commission it is critical that you keep the sale. Just because a prospect has agreed to move forward it does not mean that the sale will move forward, especially if you sell a complex system or solution. Dozens of things can happen to derail your efforts.

Your key contact may change companies or positions. The person you are dealing with gets cold feet, loses interest, or decides to change vendors. The company may be acquired or sold. A competitor may approach your prospect with a better offer. There is no such thing as a guaranteed sale even if you are holding a signed contract. That means you need to ensure that you keep the sale. Here are several strategies you can incorporate into your business that will help you achieve this.

1. First, send some form of acknowledgement or thank-you. I know this sound like an elementary concept but most sales people think of doing this. They take the sale and move on to the next prospect. However, if you send a thank-you card immediately after you confirm the sale, you differentiate yourself in your competition. You can also use postcards. The key is to show your new customer that you value his or her business and thanking them is just one small gesture that demonstrates this.

2. The next thing to do is regularly update your new customer. Keep them informed about things like delivery or shipment status and installation dates and schedules. If you sell a highly customized product, make sure you advise them on the progress of the development of their product. Frequency of updates will depend on a few factors.

- What does your key decision-maker expect or want? If they are detail oriented person they will require more frequent updates than someone who is less detail-oriented. The easiest way to determine this is ask this question, "How often do you want me to send you updates?" A simple question but will give you tremendous insight into your customer's expectations.

- Another factor is the length of time that occurs between the time of your agreement and when your services will be rendered or your product will be delivered. The more time that elapses between these two, the more important it is for you to update your customer. For example, in my particular business, it is not uncommon for a company to book me for a keynote speech or training workshop up to a year in advance. During this time, I try to send them some form of update so they know I have not forgotten about their event.

To be continued..

Monday, December 15, 2008

How Many Keywords Are Enough? (2)

Does Frequency Not Count At All?
Does that mean that engines do not give any consideration to how often key phrases are used within the copy? No. In fact, The Official Google Blog recently did a series entitled Technologies Behind Google Ranking.

Other Google documents make mention of the need to include key terms in your copy, so it is established that keywords in copy can play an important role.

"How many key phrases are enough?" That is a judgment call that comes with experience. Here are a few guidelines - not carved-in-stone rules - but guidelines you can consider. And no, do not do them all every time.

Keyword Inclusion Guidelines
1) I make an effort to include key phrase(s) in the headlines and sub-heads if at all possible.

2) Adding key phrases about once or twice per paragraph is a good goal. I never count words or run keyword density percentages.

3) Focus on writing in natural language. Yes, you want to incorporate keywords, but not to the point that you ruin your copy. It should sound natural.

4) Read your copy out loud. If it sounds stupid or redundant to you, it will sound stupid and redundant to your site visitor.

5) If it makes sense to do so, try to include key phrase(s) in bold, italic, bulleted lists, or in other text that is specially formatted. If you not bold or italicize the words or phrases to emphasize them to your visitors, however, do not make a special exception for the engines. The impact will not be significant, but every little bit helps.

Do not sacrifice the quality and conversion power of your copy to chase search engine rabbits. In the end, it will not be worth it.

Source From SEO News

Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Many Keywords Are Enough?

Proponents of keyword density formulas will quickly spout out a percentage: 4%, 6%, 12%. If you do a search in Google for any key phrase (say [cast iron frying pan], for example), you will immediately see why keyword density formulas do not add up. Either version - cast iron or cast-iron - bring the same listings on the search engine results pages (SERPs).
Please note: I was looking at the source code for each page so as to include mentions in tags as well as on the page.

Cast Iron Frying Pan
Your results may be different than what I see, as everybody does not view results from the same database. But, when I type in [cast iron frying pan] (no brackets, of course), the first site that comes up is Total word count: about 1,611. Keyword density for [cast iron frying pan]: 0%. Keyword density for [cast iron]: 3%. Keyword density for [frying pan]: < 1%.

Next up, Ask Yahoo: Total word count: about 622. Keyword density for [cast iron frying pan]: < 1%. Keyword density for [cast iron]: < 1%. Keyword density for [frying pan]: < 1%.

In the #3 position is at Total word count: about 2,405. Keyword density for [cast iron frying pan]: < 1%. Keyword density for [cast iron]: < 1%. Keyword density for [frying pan]: < 1%.

Mexico Cruise Vacation
Here is another example: [Mexico cruise vacation]. At #1 we see Cruise Web, Total word count: about 488. Keyword density for [Mexico cruise vacation]: < 1%. Keyword density for [Mexico cruise]: < 1%. Keyword density for [cruise vacation]: < 1%. is up next with their page found at Total word count: about 238. Keyword density for [Mexico cruise vacation]: < 1%. Keyword density for [Mexico cruise]: < 1%. Keyword density for [cruise vacation]: 0%.

It goes on and on. Yes, you do find some sites that have really high keyword densities, but it is not a given that attaining a certain across-the-board keyword density will guarantee you good success. In fact, from what we have seen, keyword density has not been a valid measure of SEO copywriting success in years. I believe it once was, but Google and other engines quickly plugged the loophole.

To be continued..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SEO Web Design Secrets - Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners (2)

In addition to the Description Meta tag, the HTML tags you should use are:

1. The Keywords Meta tag. Although little used it only takes a second to put in, and does no harm. There is evidence that some search engines might use it. The rest of the Meta tags are pointless.

2. The TITLE tag. This is the title of your web page, and should contain the primary keyword for the page. Each page should be written round one primary keyword that relates to the subject of your website or niche.

Each page must have one primary keyword, and it should be included in the Title tag for that page. The Title tag does not appear in the body of the article, but in the HTML between the two HEAD tags in your html.

3. The H tag. These are heading tags, with H1 being the most important. The heading for each main section in your page should be contained within H1 tags, and many pages have only the one set of such tags. Subheadings, containing secondary keywords, should be contained within H2 tags, and so on.

4. The ALT attribute. Use 'Alt = ' within the Img tags of your images and graphics. This lets the search engines know what the graphic is about: search engines do not read graphics, and the Alt attribute offers you the chance to use your graphics meaningfully with respect to SEO web design.

Text Formatting
That is all you have to worry about regarding the HTML tags. Your text formatting can be used to emphasize to search engines what the important text on your page is. Thus, if you use bold text, underscoring or italics, they indicate the important words and phrases. Thus, use the and html tags in your heading.

Write Naturally
Do not worry too much about your keyword density (KD), other than having too much. Too high a KD could harm you if Google thinks you are making unnecessary use of them. Write naturally for human readers, and not robots. If your text reads well and makes it clear what the subject of the passage is about, then you will be fine. Use the keywords in the first and last 100 characters on the page (or at least in the last paragraph somewhere).

Good SEO web design is not keyword fixated, but contains good contextually related vocabulary that the LSI algorithm can use to target the relevance of the page to the search term being used by somebody using the search engine to find information. That is all a keyword is: a term used by somebody looking for information. If you cannot work without a target KD, then I would go for a max of 1 not 3%)

Source From SitePro News

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

SEO Web Design Secrets - Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners

SEO web design is a skill that can be learned, though most search engine optimization for beginners courses. There are many ways for most normal people to get an improved search engine ranking, and secure a high search engine listing, and while linking is important, good on-site SEO is also necessary.

Although it might not seem like it, getting a good listing on Google or any of the other search engines is not as difficult as many like to claim. There are rules to follow, and if you play the game properly then the outcome should be in your favor. The tips provided in this article are not really secrets as such; although many people offer to divulge marvelous secrets to you, all they are giving you is stuff that people have been using for years.

So here are some tips on getting a good listing in Google and improving your search engine ranking. You likely know a fair bit about Meta tags, and have been informed that most are not used by search engines. Well let me tell you something. If you 'Google' Article Services you will finds my website right at the top in the #1 position for that keyword. Check the description that Google provides right under the title: that is exactly as it is in the 'Description' tag that I have on the site. So do not let anybody tell you that Google does not use the Description tag, because they do. So do Ask and MSN (now Live Search), and Yahoo also uses it, but not the whole thing exactly as written.

The Keyword tag is another matter. Google is not interested in what you tell them the keywords are: they decide the relevance of the page themselves from the text and Alt tags on the page. Google no longer needs keyword repetition to understand what you are writing about: they have the LSI algorithm now that will determine the meaning of your page from the character strings it contains. The algorithm is programmed to calculate a relevance factor from the vocabulary you use in relation to the rest of the vocabulary on the page. However, back to SEO web design, and some search engine optimization tips for beginners.

To be continued..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Advanced Link Building - Avoid These 7 Mistakes (2)

4. Failure to Check Your Reciprocal Link Partners' Websites.
Once you exchange links with someone, you need to follow up on a routine basis and make sure the link back to your site is still there. Some sites go down, accounts are closed, domains expire and are purchased by someone else, webmasters change website topics and some webmasters simply take your link down after you exchange links. I have seen people put the "nofollow" attribute on the links after they have made a trade.

5. Failing to Use Anchor Text in Your Link.
If someone gives you the opportunity to use Anchor text in the link back to your site, use it. Anchor text in a back link is the second biggest off page ranking factor for SEO. Only the relevancy and authority of the page where the back link originates is more important in my experience.

6. Failing to Cover Up Your Paid Link Footprints.
Look, from here to the end of time, people will sell links. And from here to the end of time, Google will be trying to find paid links. And from here to the end of time, you will see blogs, websites and blog networks (think Backlink Solutions) get de-indexed for selling links. If you are going to buy or sell links as part of your link building plan, you would better be hiding your footprint is going to find you one dark, cold and stormy night.

7. Failing to Build Links.
I see people on the forums all the time asking how they should go about link building or how to get started link building. Many say they do not know how and so they do not even try. You may be able to rank high in a low competitive keyword niche with on-page SEO, but for a competitive niche where there is money to be made, you are going to need some relevant back links.

TIP: One of the most effective link building strategies you can perform is to find out who is linking to your competition and get links from them. You simply go to Google and type in link: You will then get a list of sites that are linking to your competitor's site. Browse that site to see if there is a place to put a link to your site at. If not, simply Contact the person running the site and ask kindly for a link. Many times they will not respond, but some will. Now, out of those sites, do the same thing. See who is linking to them and get links from those sites.

This is probably the easiest way to get relevant back links but it is a technique very few Bloggers and Webmasters use. Sure it is tedious and time consuming, but in the long run, those top rankings will be worth all the time you practiced link building!

Source From SitePro News

Friday, December 5, 2008

Advanced Link Building - Avoid These 7 Mistakes

Recently SEOMoz did a survey among the top SEO experts. The results were surprising to say the least. None of the SEO experts could come to a 100 percent agreement on any one subject! So, if they can not come to an agreement on SEO and link building, how is the rest of the world supposed to?

Rand surveyed the Top 37 SEO experts in the World. Basically the Survey is a series of questions asked of each expert. This group of experts could not come up with an agreement rating more than 1 on many of the questions!

Mistakes can be avoided by many webmasters when link building, such like.

1. Failing to Procure Reciprocal Links.
So called SEO Guru said that reciprocal linking is dead and they will hurt your site, this was just the opposite. The important thing to remember is to make sure the links you trade are from quality sites. It does not matter if they are PR0, just make sure they are not from a spam/ adult/ pharmacy/ hate type site. Reciprocal links can be on a resource page if you run a website or a blogroll for you bloggers. Just remember to trade!

2. Failing to Acquire Low PR Links.
For some reason, many webmasters do not want PR0 sites linking to them. This is link building suicide! One day, those PR0 sites could be the next PR5 or better. Frankly, I do not care who links to my sites. I can not control it and if they are passing any amount of authority, and even PR0 sites pass some, I will take it. It also looks natural when you have many more low authority sites pointing to your site than all high PR sites.

3. Failing to Link Out.
Once again, we are talking about making your site look natural to the Search Engines, especially Google. Authority sites link out to other authority sites. Google expects to see this. I can not tell you how many times I have had a site stuck in the SERPS only to get a little boost when I linked to a higher authority site. So link out to authority sites.

To be continued..

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SEO Changes - Are Your Sales Dropping as Your SEO Rankings Soar (2)

So where does the challenge come in with SEO you ask?
The challenge is that as the popularity of personalization grows so will there likely be a diminishing effect on your ranking reports. In simple, it means that four people in the same household could all be taking turns using the very same computer and doing searches for the very same keyword phrase, and yet each person would typically see completely different results because of their personal use of the Internet and a growing history of different interests.
What this means is that you no longer can tell exactly what your ranking reports mean because where you rank for one person will not be the same as where you rank for the next person or the next. Thus ranking reports could very well become meaningless in time.

It should be understood that with personalization turned on, the search engine is not using a different algorithm. Instead, the algorithm is the same, but there is a shuffling of results based on the particular individual’s history of usage. The search engines attempt to serve up even more relevant content to that individual based on their personal interests. This in turn means that it could become very difficult to determine where your ideal buying audience is finding you because you will no longer be able to simply do a search and see who is ranking number one. Obviously if you are interested in your own products and you own industry, you site may come up in the top results when you search. With personalization growing in popularity, there is no way you can use the traditional methods to know.

Personalization of Search may bring a new dimension of satisfaction by providing the user with much more personalized results. After all, everyone wants the best search results. However, it is bound to pose a few challenges for those who have never thought out what are really happening and the far reaching impact that it will have with posing certain challenges with respect to traditional search engine marketing. As I mentioned in part one, there are solutions. But we feel that it is important to help SEO students grasp the implications of how much things could possibly be affected.

The solution to the challenges of the effect of personalization is being able to grasp the big picture. Gone are the days of counting characters in a Title tag or Description tag. Trying to measure SEO influences separately one at a time will be obsolete.
Advanced competitive intelligence is not just a new "buzz" word.
The type of solutions to these challenges will actually have a variety of excellent benefits other than just gaining genuine visibility.

Try and imagine being able to do search marketing and optimization in only the minimum of moves, making only the minimum of changes for your exact search landscape and making maximum impact.

Will these techniques really be possible in the future you ask?
No, actually they are available right now so you can begin to stabilize your results and prepare for the changes. No one can say for sure the rate at which personalization will make it is impact. The sad thing for some who are unawares is that with only slow and subtle changes over a given period, they may never even realize what is happening other than their traffic is dead and sales have stopped. So we start by making our students and readers aware.

Source From Entireweb Newsletter

Monday, December 1, 2008

SEO Changes - Are Your Sales Dropping as Your SEO Rankings Soar

Traditionally, SEO was all about gaining higher rankings for the most important keyword phrases. That was early in the game and back then, some people believed that was ALL you needed. After all if you show up number one for the best keywords then you must become a winner. But then as search engine marketing evolved, people learned that it was not enough just to have top rankings for the right key phrases, but we learned the importance of being able to provide content that compelled the visitor to take action. No one benefits if they click on your number one page and just leave again by clicking the back button.

More and more search engines began to reward webmasters who created in depth, high quality content that served a useful purpose and actually satisfied the reason why the searchers initiated the search in the first place. Google can recognize the context of a message through Artificial Intelligence. Write content that is written well for a human reader and you will be rewarded with some relevancy.

Let us not forget the advent of the Pay Per Click process which was a pretty big trend when it was first introduced at the time too. Some people saying that they would never do Pay Per Click, but it evolved into what it has become today. A well accepted form of paid advertising.
Your job as an SEO professional is to keep up to date in an ever changing environment and keep yourself apprised of current and future trends. You want to keep yourself aware of what is coming next because that way, you will always be able to assist your customers with up to date skills and advantages regardless of the changing search landscapes.

This time around, we examine a few of the challenges that SEOs will face in the future with the growing popularity of personalization of search. Personalization is the option that people can toggle on to improve their search results based on their personal interests. With personalization turned on, the search engine can gather information about the history of your searches and as the time you use it increases, it can actually become accustomed to your searching habits so as to present information that is more important or more interesting to you personally, than to someone else.

To be continued..