Friday, February 26, 2010

Effectiveness of an Empty Space

There are so many facets of ad design that get hammered home in article after article. Everyone is telling you how to maximize your headline's impact and how to make your font stand out amid a sea of marketing.

So much time is spent on what should go into your ad that we sometimes neglect one of the most important and eye catching elements, the empty spaces. This is really one of the simplest, but easiest to mess up, factors of your print design.

What you should be shooting for is to draw attention to the important parts of your ad: the message, the offer or the image. People at times and it is an easy trap to fall into, make the mistake of simply enlarging the item they are trying to bring focus to. Granted, disproportionately large text can stand out, but it also has the effect of making an ad seem lop sided or amateur.

The most effective and most professional looking way to do this is through the use of space. Do not clutter your ad with unnecessary text and images, especially around the main areas, since they can detract from the central focus.

To be continued..
Source from EntireWeb Newsletter

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