Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tippy wordpress plugin, for additional tool tips for your readers

A interesting wordpress plugin that gives you a way to include highly configurable tooltips in your wordpress powered blog.

A simple format to include the tooltips such like [tippy title=”Click me”]This is tooltip from tippy.[/tippy], In the above example that the tooltip can display HTML.

Version 2.0.0 adds a number of new features to Tippy. By default it will act as Tippy has always acted: hover over a link and the tooltip will pop up, following the mouse around the link. Mouse away and the tooltip goes away. Version 2.0.0 allows you to specify whether you want the tooltip sticky rather than following the mouse, and whether to have it frozen so that it remains open even when you mouse away from the link.

You can also choose whether to have the tooltip activate when you mouse over the link, or to have it activate when you click the link. Multiple tooltips can be opened. If you have a variety of information you want to store in tooltips, users can open several tooltips at once and place them where they want around the window. Any HTML you include inside the tooltip can be accessed by the user.

This is good for your blogs to include this plugin and make your readers easy to understand the technical or internal terms you used for the articles.

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