Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blogs Are Profitable

The San Francisco Chronicle has nailed it: “Yes, some blogs are profitable - very profitable!
Apart from the optimistic title, however, the article does a pretty good analysis of the blogosphere, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses.

Check this quotation:

The blogging world has tremendous strengths - original voices, provocative
opinions, imagination and intimate knowledge of a variety of subjects. But it is
also an industry struggling to mature, many observers argue. They say blogging
companies must overcome the industry’s reputation as a sort of digital Wild West
where anything goes, and confront such questions as conflicts of interest,
product hype, bias and low standards of accuracy.

That is the scenario we should be aiming for; where blogs become just another content management system. Not online diaries. Not a bunch of teenagers sharing their frivolous thoughts and experiences.

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