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Thursday, August 28, 2008
32 Most Important SEO Tips
1. Make sure your site is not under construction, incomplete, with little or no unique content.
2. When your site is ready, submit it to Google, Yahoo, MSN and Consider also submitting to other search engine but most of them are powered by these four leading search engines. Submit also your site to reputable high PR web directories, open directories, yellow pages and social book marking sites such as, furl, etc.
3. Submit your sitemap to Google, Yahoo, MSN and (sitemap for search engines usually in XML format)
4. Offer sitemap to your site visitors for easy page navigation. (Sitemap for visitors in HTML format)
5. Create unique and rich content sites. Avoid duplicate content. Do not create multiple pages, sub-domains, domains, mirror sites or sites with different domain names but same content.
6. Check your keywords and make sure they are relevant and actually are contained in your site. Avoid keywords stuffing.
7. Use text instead of images in your content, links and important subjects.
8. Make your TITLE and ALT tags descriptive, simple and keyword rich. Avoid irrelevant and repeated keywords.
9. Title tag should be 60-80 characters maximum length.
10. Meta tag description should be 160-180 characters including spaces. (About 25-30 words)
11. Meta Tag keywords must be 15-20 words maximum.
12. Optimize Pages with Headings (H1, H2, H3 and so on) containing your site's primary keywords.
13. Validate your CSS and HTML. Check for errors and broken links.
14. If your site contains dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), make sure you use SEO friendly URLs. Search engines' spiders having difficulty indexing dynamic pages.
15. Maximum links per page must be fewer than 100. Avoid the risk of being flagged as link farm by search engines.
16. Use Lynx as text browser to check your site. (
17. Allow search bots (good ones) to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that track their path through the site. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your site.
18. Check your web server/host if it supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header. It tells search engines whether your content has changed since last crawled your site. It will save you bandwidth, resources and avoid server overload.
19. Use Robots.txt file to manage and control search engine spiders in indexing your site. You can allow and disallow spiders and choose directories you want to be crawled and indexed. But with bad bots or spam bots you need to modify your HTACCESS file to properly and effectively manage bots or spiders. Visit to learn more about Robots.txt file.
20. Do not attempt to present different content to search engines than what you show to your site visitors.
21. Avoid dirty tricks and exploiting loop holes to improve search engines ranking.
22. Avoid links to bad neighborhood such as web spammers, link farms, phishing, hacker, crack, gambling, porn and scam sites. Linking to them will greatly affect your search engine rankings.
23. Do not attempt to join in link schemes, excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging and link exchange web rings.
24. Do not use unauthorized programs or online tools to submit your site, check page rankings and other automated queries. Avoid the risk of being flagged as spam.
25. Do not use hidden text and links. Show to search engines what you show to your visitors. It will greatly affect your site's reputation.
26. Do not attempt to create pages that contain phishing, scam, viruses, Trojans, backdoors, spy ware, ad ware and other malicious programs.
27. Make your site useful and informative.
28. Improve your link building. Link to high page rank websites. Quality of relevant links is far more important than quantity. Links will greatly improve your site's visibility, popularity and rankings. Search engines consider links as votes to your site.
29. Check your page link structure. Every page should be reachable by a single static text link.
30. Be extra careful in purchasing SEO services. Some uses illegal and questionable ways to improve rankings.
31. Do not buy or sell links.
32. Do not create sites that contain purely affiliate links and no valuable content that are useful to the users.
I hope these tips will add more popularity and visibility to your site. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Success of the newsletter publishers
1. What Newsletter Publishers Require from Their Writers
It may be true that a few article directory managers do not review articles before publication, it is not true of all article directories. Directories have editors who personally review each and every article posted to their directories, to ensure that the articles meet the directory's editorial guidelines.
And, newsletter publishers personally read and approve every single article they publish. In order for a publisher to be able to sell high-dollar advertising, the newsletter must attract and retain loyal readers. In order to get and keep readers, the newsletter must absolutely publish content that its readers appreciate receiving and want to read.
Herein lies "the secret to success" in article marketing. Not only do newsletter publishers read articles, seeking to find the content that will ensure the loyalty of their readers, the website publishers who have served loyal audiences for several years also strive to provide their readers only the best content available.
2. Article Spinner Software Stops Short Of Serving The Reader
No matter how well the Content Spinner software sellers may write their sales copy, one would be a fool to trust computers to write the kind of articles that people want to read.
Remember, the newsletter publisher and the successful webmasters are solely focused on finding content that will keep their readers loyal to them. Also remember that the "link building game for link popularity" is a long-term play that could take years to see fruition.
3. What the Article Marketing Professionals Have To Say
One should take into account what someone is selling, before taking his or her word at face value. It is absolutely in your best interests to take my words with much skepticism. Willie Crawford (TIMIC.ORG) is not an article-marketing professional. Instead, he is a professional marketer, who uses article marketing to promote the many websites that make up his online empire. Willie is a seven-figure earner, and yet, he continues writing new articles whenever he has the time to do so.
Willie said: "I've looked at numerous 'article spinners' and seen that the output from them was generally so incoherent that it would have been an insult to my readers."
"I respect my readers and realize that writing is communicating one human to another. That's why all of the articles that I publish are unique and not software generated variations of my work."
*Updated 23Aug2008 - Add another key point from research.
Communicating One Human To Another
Those people who have found the greatest success utilizing article marketing as a promotional tool are those who understand that article marketing is best-used as a tool to communicate "one human to another."
At the beginning of this article, I suggested, "Success and failure is determined by the writers' motivation, and more importantly, by the writers' commitment to the reader."
Successful newsletter publishers are those who have made a commitment to keep their readers interested and reading every issue. Successful webmasters and bloggers are those who have made a commitment to keeping their readers satisfied and coming back to their websites frequently. All are looking for article content that will attract readers to their publications and ensure reader loyalty.
The successful article marketer is the person who understands his or her audience and gives his or her audience exactly what they want.
The article must convince the newsletter publisher that his or her subscribers will value the message in the article enough to read the next issue. The article must convince the Webmaster and Bloggers that the article will keep a reader on his or her website for a while longer. And finally, the reader must be thankful for having been given the opportunity to read the article.
In the end, the decision is yours. Are you simply happy complaining about what could have, should have been with the articles you have written. Or, do you want to invest what will be required to make sure your article marketing campaigns are successful?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Favourite Great American Seafood Recipe
By take part on the vote for the best recipe among the list, the voters are having a chance to win a trip to New Orleans. Even if you are not lucky to win the prize but you still can experience and enjoy the process of make a vote for the contest.
From their website the best recipe from the five recipes list, I think I will prefer the "Texas Gulf Shrimp" seafood recipe from Chef Mark Holley, because, the recipe and the ingredients included the bacon, black pepper, fresh ground, black bean, this makes the food fresher and good taste. The recipe included some seasoning oil to give a high heat for the meal, I think this would be the best to make the a delicious meal. I believe this is the best recipe among the list.
If you want to know more about the crowned king of American seafood and the fifth annual of the great American seafood cook off, the your probably can visit to for the latest information. The benefits of using domestic seafood is because fresh and origin. Fresh and origin seafood is the best source to make a great and delicious seafood. For more information, please visit to their website and choose one of the best recipe among five in the list to win the "Trip to New Orleans" prize package.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Marketing success secret: Give your audience what they want
Some people find great success with article marketing, while others think its proponents are full of bull. The difference between the winners and the losers in article marketing is most frequently defined when the writer sits down and begins to write. That is right. Success and failure is most often determined by the writers' motivation, and more importantly, by the writers' commitment to the reader.
Flawed Strategies
In 2005, a few of the Internet Marketing gurus took notice of the success people were having with article marketing, and they passed this news to the Internet Marketing newbie’s of the world. But, there was something missing from the advice given.
In a lot of cases, the people preaching the power of article marketing had not used the technique themselves. Even today, few of my article distribution competitors utilize reprint articles to promote their own businesses. Most of my competitors rely upon affiliate marketing to promote their websites.
Unfortunately, the Internet Marketing newbie’s of the world were given a lot of bad advice. It was said that:
* The only purpose of article marketing was to build links, and link popularity for search engine rankings;
* The writer only needed to write enough words to meet the minimum word count requirements of publishers;
* It wasn't necessary for the content to be well-written, since the publishers do not read the articles they approve for publication;
* Anything that can be done to reduce the time/cost of article writing would benefit the marketer.
The only suggestion that bore any resemblance to the truth was the first item about "building links for link popularity", but the error in this statement was to assume that there was no other purpose for article marketing.
The Bigger Picture
As one of the pioneers in this industry, There have always attributed three benefits to article marketing, in this order:
1. Publication in a newsletter ensures that thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of readers, can read ones' article when it is published. (Frequently, publication day for my articles will generate phone calls from many potential customers and multiple sales, sometimes thousands in sales.)
2. Publication on a website increases the likelihood that your article will be found and read on websites that have targeted and loyal visitors.
3. Building links for link popularity and improved search rankings.
I have not ever denied the ability to use articles to build ones' link popularity and to improve ones' ranking in the search engines. But in my experience, using articles to improve search rankings is something that is ranked at #3 in my list, because it is a long-term play. Your ability to rank in Google for specific keywords is influenced significantly by what your competitors have done before you. I have used this example many times before, but if you want to rank for the keyword "travel" against such websites as: Expedia, Yahoo, Orbitz, The Travel Channel, CNN, Travelocity, Lonely Planet, USA Today, the New York Times, and the U.S. Government; then you better bring a huge budget to the contest.
Once the newbie in Internet Marketing is aware of the challenges of the search rankings game, then the newbie is better prepared to target and get realistic results from an article marketing campaign.
Partial source from EntireWeb Newsletter.
Three SEO Magic Bullets and How to Use Them
Search Engine Stats: Up to date Statistics show you who is searching where and what they are clicking on. This will help you make the best possible decisions on how to spend your SEO time and where to spend your SEM money (search engine marketing, including pay per click advertising.)
A.) The following search usage information is based on the Nielson/Net Ratings of May 2008.:
59.3% - Google | 16.9% - Yahoo | 13.3% - MSN | 4.1% - AOL
That is almost 94% of all searches going through just four search engines and well over half going through Google alone!
B.) Knowing exactly how much each search engine is used is the first big step. Now we know where to focus our time and effort. But that's only half the story. We need some reliable inside information to help us plan for search engine optimization and search engine marketing strategies. So we turn to a leader - the
On Google, 72.3% of visitors rely on the natural listings that SEO helps you get. Only 27.7% use the paid links you purchase as part of your SEM plan.
On MSN, the opposite is true. Only 28.8% of their visitors go for the organic listings you get from SEO. But a whopping 71.2% can't wait to click on those paid links.
This information alone can be worth its weight in gold. It helps us understand why we get so few clicks for paid listings on Google and it is more evident that SEO efforts are well spent here.
The Art of SEO Spying: If you want to beat your competition you really need to know what they are up to. Otherwise you are just guessing and that gets expensive. So forget about guessing your way through or spending tons of time and money on research. You can get most for free and the rest for just a few well placed dollars. Just head on over to and check out the free information they provide. Or, if you want the bigger picture go to to see everything they provide, free and paid.
SEO Shortcuts; Top Industry Tools: The shortcuts we will explore are based on discovering how the experts get their top results so quickly and then following in their footsteps. When it comes to SEO, the best shortcut to success is through the use of SEO software tools.
Source referred from SEO News Newsletter. Great if this article can help you to improve your websites' SEO.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How to Improve your Search Engine Position (Part 2)
There are a number of changes you can make to improve your search engine position, ranging from your internal linking to the way you lead the spiders around your site.
Just ask yourself one simple question: what determines your search engine rank on Google? How does Google calculate your search engine position? That is the first thing you have to learn if you want to improve yours. You have to know your enemy to beat him.
It is not only links, as many would have you believe. I achieved that by using a silo structure in my website design, but not only that. Many people use silos without achieving high search engine ranking. Make sure that the search engine spiders moved from one section of my home page to another, exactly as I wanted them to, before leaving for the next page at exactly the point I wanted it to.
It is not difficult, and you can do it too. In fact anybody can get a top search engine ranking, or improve their search engine position, with just a little thought, and by using a couple of simple rules when designing their web pages. One of these is by using a silo structure and the other is by careful use of their html, and of their internal links.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My experience on ultimate flirting championship
As mention before, this game required three players, if you are the serious participate, then you will play in the role of judge and flirter and you will go through some funny and interesting questions and answers, some even use the Hollywood's most memorable lines such like "I am superstar, can I know more about you?" and many more. This is just the game, nothing impact of your actual life. You can try it up and play during your free time, and get experience with this interesting game.
From my experience, this is the interesting, fun and Extreme Style by VO5 game that I used to play on my leisure time.
Here is the widget. Play to install on your own blog.
Keys to Being a Successful Pseudo-Solo
First, Invest in Information and Learning.
It seems like a lot needs to get done, right now. Remember - millions of people have already done what you have tried to do. So, the best thing to do is to learn from some of them.
Get books from the library, or buy them. Take classes, free or otherwise. Find people you admire who have successfully navigated what you're trying to do and take them to tea or lunch and ask them questions. I've done about a dozen interviews with folks I admire and have them up in our online community for just that reason: The Business Oasis. Make sure the information resonates with you. As just one example, marketing professionals out there are all saying more or less the same thing, so you can find one that your heart really resonates with and is speaking your language.
Second, Get Help with the Numbers.
if you are running a business, you should not be doing your taxes yourself. There are too many deductions and pitfalls and details. You want to hire it out, even if you think you ca not afford it. If possible, hire a bookkeeper to keep your accounting clean from month to month. Not only will it help you at tax time, but it will also help you understand your business better, simply knowing how money flows in and out.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Myth of Being Successfully Solo In Business
These strikes at the heart of the most dangerous myth in business: the bootstrap myth, known in this particular instance as the myth of the successful solo entrepreneur. The myth says that you can do it on your own, you can bootstrap your way to success, and that when you go solo, you do not need anyone else. That is the whole point of being self-employed, or running a personal-sized business.
In the physical reality, when you are an employee at a company, you get to do your job. And, unless you think upon it, you might not realize how much other people do just so you can do your job. If you're overwhelmed trying to make your business work yourself, there is good reason for it. Frustrating - but do not despair. It may help to understand why it is this way.
In the spiritual reality, when someone offers help, do you say: "Yes!" or do you say: "Nah, I can get it." If the bootstrap myth is operating in your business, there may be a hundred subtle and not-so-subtle ways that you avoid or turn away from help or prioritize. And yet we are meant to both help and be helped by each other. This is one of the ways that we experience the Divine in our lives, through the actions, support and love of others.
After going through some big transitions ourselves, having grown up in a small retail business, and having worked with hundreds of clients, let share some insights into how to prioritize.
Source from SiteProNews Newsletter.
The VO5 ultimate flirting championship
This is an interesting online game that involves three parties/ players, to start the game. At first you will be waiting on the room until there are total of three players for the game, once the game is started, system will either set you as the judge or the flirter. If you are the judge, then you need to pick a question and ask the flirter (at most five questions), whereas, if you have been chosen as the flirt, then you can answers the question as creative, funny, humor, incredible as possible to beat your opponent in the game.
During the game, the worst pick up line is "Are you flirter? as I can not see you directly from the screen". What is victory hair? I think that is play the game and win the victory hair care product. If you are curious and excited, then you should have a try to play the Extreme Style by VO5, the Ultimate Flirting Championship. Once you played and tested some of the memorable lines, then you could see how interested it is. After completed the game, you may register for the sweepstakes by submit your registration form, and stand a chance to win a grand prize.
Here is a simple widget for the game.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The SEO Mistakes Made on Database Driven Websites (Part 2)
6. Too many query strings - this is a common bugbear of the professional SEO, where complicated database selections create deep levels of pages, but with seven or eight &id= type strings. Additionally, some bad development methodology can leave pages with null query strings that appear in every URL but do not do anything. The answer to this is generally URL rewrites, creating much more search engine friendly and user-friendly URLs!
7. Putting query strings in different orders when accessed through different places - this can create duplicate content issues, which can cause major penalties.
8. Not using user language to generate automated pages - if you are going to create a database driven website that uses words in the query strings make sure that you use words that will help you with SEO - if you sell widgets, make sure you are using the word widgets somewhere in the URL instead of just product= or id= - keyword research can assist with this.
9. Not allowing the meta data and title to be edited easily after the site build. It is possible to hard code the generation of meta information into a database that does not allow it to be edited later. Creating a mechanism for modifying this information initially helps everyone at a later stage when the information needs changing without shoehorning it into an already developed structure.
10. Creating keyword stuffed pages by using auto-generation. Search engines quite liked pages with high densities of your keywords, but now these are likely to get you marked down rather than up. So be aware when creating pages that long pages with lots of your products on can create too high a density. For instance listing blue widgets, light blue widgets, navy blue widgets, sky blue widgets is going to create a page with a very dense page for the phrase "blue widgets".
These are just 10 of the most common potential optimization pitfalls when creating dynamic websites. There are many more facets to producing a great database driven site, including user friendliness, speed, performance and security, but they all add together to make the best solution to your needs.
Source from EntireWeb Newsletter
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The SEO Mistakes Made on Database Driven Websites
Search engine optimization companies actually spend a lot of their time analyzing a website and removing barriers to the search engines ranking a site highly. At the web development level, it is possible to build a site that is perfectly search engine friendly. One of the hardest types of sites to get right though are database driven websites. There are ten of the most common issues that are created, often unknowingly, in the development process of a dynamically generated web site.
1. Pages with duplicate content - not enough differential areas within the pages, so that only small areas of the page change from page to page. It is essential that enough of the page text changes for the search engines to see an appreciable difference between one page and the next.
2. Pages with duplicate page titles - the page title is a great indicator to the search engines of the primary content of the page. Whilst this is often unique on sites such as e-commerce websites, it is often overlooked in other sites, particularly where small areas of the site are generated from a database, such as news pages.
3. Pages with duplicate meta descriptions - this is easy to overlook and set a global or category level meta description. These give the search engines a reason to penalize your site for not giving them enough information, and again, creating a unique meta description for every page is an essential SEO task.
4. Using auto-generation of pages as a shortcut instead of creating good content. This is linked quite closely to point 1, where it is possible to create pages that have only a tiny percentage difference between them. Databases are fantastic ways of storing information, but you still need to put the work in to fill them with content. Unique information about the subject of the page will immensely help both the long tail and the ability of the search engines to determine that a page is valuable.
To be continued..
Source from EntireWeb Newsletter.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Goals of a Landing Page
So the main goals of a landing page are:
1) To Attract Prospects (primary goal) - grab email address and/or phone number
2) To Produce Conversions (secondary goal)
Features of an Effective Landing Page:
The ingredients for an effective landing page include:
1) Reinforced Ad Message
2) Punchy Headings
3) Short Paragraphs
4) Enticing Copy
5) Few Distractions
6) Value Proposition
7) Compelling Images
8) Little or No Navigation
9) Calls to Action
10) Few choices
11) Simple Language and Concepts
12) Important Content "Above the Fold"
13) Testimonials
14) Establish Visitor Trust
15) Foolproof Conversion Process
16) Test, Tweak and Test Again
When it comes to encouraging your visitors to take the action you want them to take, focus on one primary action per screen. Do not stuff too many products onto one screen. Make your call-to-action button clearly visible without having to scroll, do not bury it under pages of information. Consider using tabs or a pop-up box to consolidate information.
Taking Prospects by the Hand such like when visitors are on your landing page, you need to make it easy and painless for them to take the next steps. In a virtual sense, you need to take them by the hand and lead them through the process. How do you do that? Tell visitors why they should purchase from you. According to the Marketing Experiments Journal the "Clarity of your value proposition is the most important factor in determining whether a customer buys from you or not."
Tracking and Tweaking is key such like PPC campaigns, you have so much more control than you do with SEO campaigns. Because you have nearly full control over how your listing appears, what keywords trigger it, where on the page it appears, how much you pay per lead and what page your ad links to.
If you want your campaign to succeed, you can not have a "set and forget" mentality many advertisers have. PPC campaigns require constant tracking and tweaking. Later in this course we discuss ways of testing your landing pages and ads to consistently improve your conversions.
Source from SitePro Newsletter.